Derby Belser

“When I started taking voice lessons with Allison Surratt, I was a very nervous thirteen year old who was less than confident in her music ability, and herself. Flash forward almost seven years and many, many lessons, and I am studying music composition as part of Tulane University’s Honors Program, working as a composer and a performer. At CAM, I found not only wildly qualified teachers, but a huge support team that became my family. I am sure that without CAM and without Allison, I would never have found the depth of my passion for music, nor the confidence to pursue that passion. For your voice teacher to be a friend, an educator in all things, and a pseudo-mother at points (thank you Allison!!!) speaks volumes of what CAM prioritizes. I will never be able to thank Charlotte Academy of Music enough for the opportunities it’s provided me, and the person it’s helped me to find. “

– Derby Belser

Derby is currently a student at Tulane University where she is pursuing a BFA in Musical Composition and BA in English. This summer Derby will be interning in Los Angeles with a music production/preparation/supervision company, the same company that produced the music for for the highly acclaimed musical animation film, Frozen. We are so proud of Derby and all of her accomplishments. Her future is bright indeed!

*2020 UPDATE* Derby is headed to the University of Colorado – Boulder joining the PhD in Music program!

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